Thursday, June 22, 2023

Mostly Magic

He looked at me. “So? What’s your wish?”
I scrunched up my face into my most impressive I’m-thinking-about-it form and . . . thought about it. 
So many options. 
So much to choose from. 
I opened my mouth, expecting something of import to emerge. What came out was, “Ummmm . . .”
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
He sighed heavily and started tapping on the palm of one hand with a . . . Rats! I knew what it was, but the word ducked around the corner before I could bring it forward. I finally settled for calling it a wand. He tapped on one hand with a wand. “C’mon, lady. Make a wish. I really don’t have all day!”
I blinked and gulped and nodded. Maybe I could try . . . or . . . no . . . what I really wanted . . . Suddenly a brilliant suggestion presented itself. “Could I have a combination? A mixture?” I whispered hopefully.
He shrugged. “Please keep in mind I’m not a wizard,” he said. He scratched his ear and glanced toward the window.
Not a wizard? But I thought . . . I looked toward the window, too. The streetlights had come on and were casting pools of gold on a black street; shining bravely in a dark and moonless night. It appeared that a wind was starting to kick up. I could see bits of litter being blown around. I shivered and turned back.
He was watching me. “Well . . .?”
I took a deep breath. “I’ll have a Double Magic Burger with everything on it except the cheese. And a side order of Onion O’s and . . .” I again glanced outside “. . . a Wizard-size mug of chocolate.”
He dropped the spurtle (I finally remembered the name of it!) he had been fiddling with to the counter and punched some buttons in the cash register. “Fine. You’re order number 16.” He took the ten from me, efficiently made change and then nodded and looked past me.
I stuffed my change into my purse and quickly shuffled to one side.
“Welcome to Magic Burger,” he said to the person in line behind me. “What's your wish?”


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