Friday, June 23, 2023

Sister's Dolly

See? Adorable!
How come my sister had one?!
And why couldn’t I?!
Life wasn’t fair!!!
Maybe I should explain . . .
For my first Christmas, my big sister got a doll.
Well, to be honest, so did I.
But hers was amazing.
Dressed in a gorgeous pink satin dress with tiny white socks 
and adorable little shoes, she was the most beautiful thing 
I had ever seen. She had Auburn hair, like my sister and a 
cute little face with eyes that opened and shut.
No word of a lie. If you held onto her hands, she could walk!
She was perfect.
Now, I must admit that I recognized none of this when the doll 
first appeared in our household.
My recognition of her perfection happened a few years later.
When I discovered this treasure sitting in lonely glory on my 
sister’s bed.
Did I mention lonely?
Now there’s something I should probably point out here: there 
were two things I could not stand to see when I was little.
1.      A naked doll. (Just imagine how cold they must be!)
2.      A lonely doll. (Oh, the poor thing!)
Okay, yes, I had issues, but I was nothing if not sympathetic. A 
lonely doll was just asking to be played with. Even if one had 
been told – many times – to LEAVE MY DOLL ALONE IT'S JUST 
Pfff. That was just silly. Why would anyone have a toy they 
didn't play with?!
I scoped out the neighbourhood, than scooped the treasure 
off the bed and proceeded to walk her all over.
Do you know how many baby steps it was from one side of 
my sister’s room to the other?
A lot.
We played happily for some time.
Or at least until discovered by my sister.
Usually said discovery was in the form of: “Mom! Diane’s got
my doll again!”
Whereupon (good word) I would answer from somewhere 
under the bed: “Do not!”
This went on for months.
Until I discovered that one could actually buy horse 
Of every colour and breed.
And in all different sizes.
After that, my sister’s little beauty remained in lonely glory 
on the bed.
And the sisterly conversation in her room changed to: “Mom! 
Diane’s got her horses all over my floor again!”
And me, again from under the bed: “Do not!”


  1. I love the way kids think. Only two of them in the room, one upset, and the other didn't do it.

  2. Love the 'do not!' from under the bed. So funny.

  3. Of course, none of your children ever did anything like that, did they? Too funny.

  4. This so makes me wish I could talk with my brothers again.

  5. Ah, sibling rivalry. I never had a sister with whom to have such run-ins.


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