Stories from the Stringam Family Ranches of Southern Alberta

From the 50s and 60s to today . . .

Friday, September 20, 2024

Lamb Dreaming

Sooo cute!

Mary had a little lamb, 
Whose fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went,

the lamb was sure to go.


It followed her to school one day
which was against the rules.

It made the children laugh and play,
to see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out,

but still it lingered near,

And waited patiently about,
till Mary did appear.    


“Why does the lamb love Mary so?”
the eager children cry.

“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.”

the teacher did reply.

Okay, so…first off, as a child, I always wanted a lamb for a pet.

True story.

I just wanted to get that out there.

On with our poem…

The first lines say that Mary’s lamb had a fleece as white as snow.

Now I’ve seen lambs. And their fleeces are never that white. In point of fact, they are usually rather gray. Or downright mud-coloured.

Moving on…

The next part talks about that lamb following Mary everywhere.

I reiterate. I wanted a little lamb with soft fleece who would follow me everywhere.

Just sayin’.

Then we are to the part where that sparkling, clean lamb followed Mary to school. Now I could totally get behind this.

Lambs at school would definitely have made the days a little less…I don’t know…scholastic? And a lot more fun.

But, let’s face it, me having a lamb follow me to school would be no small feat as we lived 20 miles from town and rode the bus! He would either have to be a superbly nimble little creature or I would have to get a lot better at hiding things that weren’t supposed to be on a bus with 20 or so children aged 5 to 17.

I did make it all the way with a snake in my pocket once, but that is another story.

And I digress…

So this teacher, whoever she was, got tired of the chaos and turned that little lamb out.

Now what does she have against laughing, playing children?

Kill joy.

But that little lamb was not only sparkling clean, it was also smart. (We are talking fiction, here.) It hung around patiently until it was time for Mary to go home.

I’m picturing the joyous ramble as the two headed off to familiar pastures for the day.

Happy girl. Happy lamb.

Now the laughing, playing (see above) kids, witnessing this, had a question for their teacher. “Why does the lamb love Mary so?”

And the teacher had a ready response, “Because Mary loves the lamb, you know.”

Now, I probably don’t have to tell you that all of this was in my (Please, May I Have a Lamb?) presentation to my father.

But I’m quite sure you’ve heard of the sometimes animosity between the sheepherders and the cattle ranchers of the great prairies of the ‘west’.

And I don’t have to tell you which side my Daddy was on…

My chances of getting lamb for a pet were slim to nil.

But that didn’t stop me dreaming…

Diane's Dad gave her a lamb, 
She kept his fleece so clean,
That he was welcome everywhere,

He even met the Queen!


She took him when she went to school
He sat there on the bus.

The children would politely play,
And never made a fuss.

The teacher understood that Di

Needed 'Lambie' near,

To help her with her algebra,

And chemistry. (The dear!)


The lambie loved Diane, you know,

The children saw that she
Also loved the little lamb

Up to the nth degree!

Yeah. Daddy didn't buy it, either.

Fly on the Wall
 is an opportunity, once a month, for my blogging sisters and me to let you into our hearts and/or minds.
For better or worse...
How did I do this month?
Now keep the fun going! Check out my sisters' posts!

Baking In A Tornado 

Menopausal Mother 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Wee Willy's Parenting Pointers

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs, in his nightgown;

Rapping at the window, crying through the lock,

“Are the children in their beds?

Now it’s eight o’clock.


Okay. First off, who is this ‘Willie Winkie’ guy?

With his only two descriptors: wee and in his nightgown, much is left to the imagination.

Allowing those of us with a large store of it to come up with countless possibilities…

Let’s go with the obvious. Wee and nightgown suggest to me that he is really small—perhaps a child?

And if so, how come he’s not in bed. Hmmm?

That is like the person who hands the priest a list of people who didn’t close their eyes or fold their hands reverently during a prayer at church. This always begs the question: How did he make the list?

But I digress…

We may also surmise by the whole ‘upstairs and downstairs’ scenario that Willie is very mobile, which also suggests youth.

I know if it were up to me to run upstairs and downstairs in my nightgown, exactly one household may be alerted. The rest are on their own.

And, just for the record, I don’t even appear out of my own bedroom in my nightgown. Also: as a senior, I’m probably in bed long before the children.

So there’s that.

Now, the whole ‘rapping at the window’ part.

If anyone rapped at my window, it would wake me from a coma.

So what window is Willie knocking at? If it’s the children’s, I’m coming out with a baseball bat.

Just sayin’.

And the whole ‘calling through the lock’? Okay, yes, the old locks were basically holes in the door. The modern day lock is not in the least conducive to being called through. Or even shouted.

Ever tried it?

You can take my word.

And if anyone is calling through the hole in my door, I’m calling the cops.

And who does he think he is? Demanding that the children be in their beds by 8 o’clock?

Isn’t that a rather negative commentary on people’s parenting skills?

I mean, even a truant officer can only pick on children during the daylight hours.

True story.

So, Wee Willie Winkie, if you’re thinking of trying these games in the modern world, I can just see the outrage!

And the comments on whatever Facebook ‘discussion’ page you currently peruse.

“Did anyone else record some small dude in a dress running through your yard? My alarm system went off right around 8 PM last night right in the middle of Desperate Housewives and this is what it caught:

[Follows: grainy and creepy night video of someone flitting across the yard]

He was knocking on the windows and shouting something unintelligible at the front door. Scared both my cat and my kids so badly that I couldn’t get any back into bed. My camera didn’t get a clear view of his face. Did anyone else have something similar happen?


Yep. I can picture it well.

I think poor Wee Willie needs a modern-day do-over…


W. William Winkie [Ph.D/Psy.D/MFT/MFCC] works in the town,

Here on Nightgown Avenue; upstairs or down

You needn’t try the window, his door is never locked,
"Are there troubles in your home? Come in—you’re on the clock.

Fly on the Wall is an opportunity, once a month, for my blogging sisters and me to let you into our hearts and/or minds.
For better or worse...
How did I do this month?
Now keep the fun going! Check out my sisters' posts!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Travels and Stories

It's been another busy month for the flies in the Tolley Household.
First: A Recap
With health and age concerns, the powers-that-be (Husby) have decided 2024 and 2025 will be 'The Years of the Travel' and so far they've delivered.
First, February in Hawaii:
Husby and a friend

March and April in Europe:
A little bit of Florence
Husby doing what he likes best!

May: at home welcoming a new Great Grand-Baby!
Auntie Q holding her nephew!

June exploring Saskatchewan and crying over graduates:
Eldest Grandson

Third Granddaughter--my writer!

Hanging Hearts Lake, Saskatchewan

And then July. Home with family, then off to visit extended family in Nova Scotia:
Annual Family Medieval Feast

A little pilgrim girl...

Peggy's Cove with my sister!!!

Did I mention that her youngest son, my nephew, is a chef? Well, he is and this is what he made for us:

You can check out his other videos at Redsfeast on Youtube. Bring your appetite!
Thank you for taking this whirlwind trip with me!

And now...a story... (Warning: Nudity!)
First, a little background (*snort*)
I get to have Q, Granddaughter #11 with me whenever her mama works. Which isn't often enough for me!
Recently, Son # 2 and his wife went to Scotland for a little rain-soaked and wonderful holiday. This is what they brought me:

Which is a huge joke here because Gramma (me) goes every year to see the Highland Games and every single one of those stone throwers is wearing underwear. Just ask all of us senior women who line up every year to watch the event!
Also: Grampa, whilst all of this is going on inside, is out in the garden, shirtless to try and get some sun.
Now on to my story...
This magnet sits at the very top of my fridge where I thought none of the youngers would see it. But little Miss Bright Eyes did.
Q: Gramma? Why isn't that girl wearing any underwear?
Me: That's not a girl, sweetie. That's a guy and it's kind of a joke. You see, the men in this country called Scotland have special cloth that they make into what is called a kilt. Different colours for different families. It's kind of like a skirt for guys. And they claim they don't wear any underwear under the kilt.
Q: (Thinking it over) Well, I always wear underwear under my skirts! And leggings, too!
Me: Yes, Sweetie. The men are very proud of their kilts. Here I'll show you some pictures.
Picture us looking
One of them is of a VERY buff man. Shirtless. In a kilt.
Q: Oh look, Gramma! He looks just like Grampa. But with muscles.
Me: Bwahahahaha! 
I think it very odd, but my husby didn't find it nearly as funny as I did.

Fly on the Wall is a monthly challenge that I share with my blogging sisters, Karen and Marcia where we invite people into our lives and recap the activities and/or thoughts of our past month.
This was a wee glimpse into mine...
Now see what my sisters have done!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Eensie Weensie

Fly on the Wall is a monthly challenge that I share with my blogging sisters, Karen and Marcia (and this time, Sarah!) where we invite people into our lives and recap the activities and/or thoughts of our past month.
This is a wee glimpse into mine...
Okay, I tried to find the cutest one I could. It still makes me shiver.

The fact that spiders and I aren’t friends won’t come as a surprise to many of you.
Further, the statement ‘Spiders and I exist best when on different time continuums’ will also strike a familiar chord.
But still, I’m bothered by what follows…

The eensy weensy* spider climbed up the waterspout.
Actually as far as this goes, I’m fine with it. Spider in waterspout. Diane. Both in different quadrants of their co-existent world and unlikely to cross paths. We’re good.

On with the poem…
Down came the rain
Still good. I like rain.
And washed the spider out.
Uh-oh. Here’s where the poem and I begin to come to odds. I mean, I can totally sympathize with someone being washed out of their homes.
Even spiders.
Out came the sun
I like sun, too. Sun soaked=Warm. Glorious. Happy. Who’s with me?
And dried up all the rain
Okay. A normal and natural consequence. I use this principal of nature every day for drying laundry. True story.
And the eensie weensie spider climbed up the spout again.
Here, I’m forced to say, “Good for you, Mr. (Or Ms.) Spider. You have more stick-to-it-ive-ness than most people I know. Including me.”
Because how many of us would simply dust (or dry) themselves off and start in again?
Believe me, there would be a lot of ‘what-if(s)’ and ‘but last time(s)’ rolling around in my noggin. And it would take a lot more than a brightly shining, sun-er-ific day to get me to start that arduous journey once more.
And—I’m assuming here—but what if during that whole ‘up the waterspout’ thing, little Ms. (or Mr.) Spider had also constructed a home of fine filaments that took many ‘spider hours’ to construct. So, in truth, not only was he (or she) washed out, but also his home and belongings were now somewhere out of Waterspout Falls (not a tourist hot spot) and up Waterspout Creek.
Without a paddle.
So that whole ‘up the waterspout’ thing becomes much more of a ‘starting over from scratch’ affair than simply climbing and re-climbing.
I suddenly find myself in awe of such unwavering resolve and resolution. And hope.
In truth, this poem becomes much more a statement toward keeping up one’s courage than of a little spider climbing again and again (you have no idea how many repeats my kids could happily sing) the same steep slope.
So to all those determined and courageous spiders out there in the world…I salute you!
And now for the ‘silly’ in all of us, my second son’s version of Eensy Weensy. Sung endlessly (with appropriate hand gestures) to all of his kids when they were toddlers.

The eensie weensie parasite crawled up the chi-ld’s back.
Down came the rain and washed it down the crack.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain…
And the eensie weensie parasite crawled up and ate his brain!

You can now picture the resultant squeals of laughter.

*See also "Incy Wincy” Spider. Or “Itsy Bitsy”. I’m assuming they all mean the same thing…

If you enjoyed my Fly on the Wall post, go now and see what my friends have been up to this month!
You'll be glad you did!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Away From Home

Fly on the Wall is a monthly challenge that I share with my blogging sisters, Karen and Marcia, where we invite people into our lives and recap our past month.
This is my glimpse into mine...

I'm a homebody.
There, I've admitted it.
I do like being in familiar surroundings. 
And especially in my own bed. With my own bathroom (something that grows increasingly important with the passage of years! But I digress...)
And my own stuff around me.
But Husby loves to travel.
And I love to be with him.
So I travel.
It's actually quite funny. With numerous health concerns between the two of us, much of what we pack consists of...pills.
Yeah. We pretty much resemble a traveling pharmacy.
Fortunately, pills are fairly portable. Thus far.
Where was I?
Oh, yes. Traveling.
And enjoying it.
Recently, Husby and I and a couple of close friends, Bill and Judy, left our aforementioned comfortable surroundings and did an Amsterdam/Belgium/Italy loop.
It was cold. I've never quite witnessed the cold like Amsterdam when it's +3 C, blowing a legitimate gale. AND raining.
Yep. There's no cold quite like it.
And I live in Canada!
But we enjoyed every single minute.
Let me 'briefly' tell you about it...
First Amsterdam (Or Hamsterdance, as Granddaughter #11 called it!). We were there for the tulips.
And wow! Did we see TULIPS!
(Just FYI: None of my pictures turned out, so most of what follows came from my artist/photographer friend, Judy White.)
Husby and me!

Keukenhof- a must-see!

Of course, being in Holland, we had to see windmills in Kinderdijk:

And museums: The Rijks Museum is beyond stupendous:

I want this library so much!

Now THAT's a model!

Nightwatch by Rembrandt. Just one of thousands!

And churches: 
Grote Kerk, Haarlem

We could have spent a month there!
But we had a schedule to keep, so on to the First World War Sites in Belgium. 
Just outside of what was known then as Ypres:

Of the 12,000 graves in this cemetery, only 4,000 were identified. The rest were 'Known Unto God'.
I've never cried so much...

Hill 62 Battlefield. Preserved just as it was. The divots and swales are from artillery blasts.
And now "sheep may safely graze'.

St. Julien Canadian Memorial

And then Florence and the surrounding countryside:

So many works of art. So little time!

And SO many people!

We also took a bus trip out into the countryside of Tuscany. Pisa, Siena, San Gimingano. Fantastic!

We're not sure how many of these trips we have left in us, so we toured and ate and talked and laughed and absolutely enjoyed ourselves. There are thousands more pictures and an equal number of memories, but at least you got a glimpse.
Thank you for coming along!

When you start to look like your passport photo, it's time to go home.

Now go and see what Karen and Marcia were up to this month!
Trust me. You'll be glad you did!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Being Simple

It's time for Fly on the Wall!
Where we give our beloved readers an opportunity to see what has been going on in our homes--and minds--this past month.
I have been thinking about--what else--pie!

I’m quite sure you all know that I love pie.
True story.
And so poems that discuss this particular subject are pretty much guaranteed to capture my attention.
Thus, I introduce to you:
Simple Simon.
Okay, personally, I think labeling anyone as ‘simple’ is a little insulting. I just want to put that out there. And yes, at first glance, this appears to have nothing at all to do with ‘pie’.
Wait for it…

Simple Simon met a pieman,
Going to the fair,
Says Simple Simon to the pieman.
Let me taste your ware!

Ha! Told you!
Let’s just make a note here and now that I am totally with Simon in asking for a little taste. If someone is giving away free tastes, I’m there.
Just ask the girl at Baskin Robbins. I think I set a record.
Judging by the look on her face, she wasn’t as impressed as I was.
But I digress…
What were we talking about?
Oh, yes. Pie tastes…
I’m there.
Particularly if the pie is lemon. Or cherry. Maybe blueberry. Pumpkin.
Okay. Any flavour. 
So thus far in the story, Simon and me, we’re together.
Now that pieman’s reaction in the next stanza is, in a word, predictable.

Says the pieman unto Simon.
Show me first your penny,
Says Simple Simon to the pieman.
Indeed I have not any!

Oh, Simon, I feel your pain.
That Baskin Robbins girl (see above) said the same thing.
Of course, by that point, I think my ‘tasting’ could easily have equaled a double cone.
But this is where Simon and I depart company. Because I DID have a penny!
Or several, because, let’s face it…ice cream ain’t cheap!
I should point out here that I do, in point of fact, sympathize with the pieman. I mean, this is his livelihood we’re talking about. And—here’s where ice cream differs from pie—a little taste out of a tub of ice cream is noticeably less noticeable than a little taste from a nicely, neatly-covered pie.
So let’s move on, sadly, away from pie.

Simple Simon went a-fishing,
For to catch a whale,
All the water he could find
Was in his mother's pail.

Okay, here’s where I admit that I am a miserable fisherman. In my life, I’ve caught a grand total of…zero fish.
Oh, I’ve drowned a lot of poor, defenseless worms, one or two bugs and some fairly innocent corn kernels in a bid to catch something besides boredom.
With no luck whatsoever.
But even I, with said miserable record, know that one is hardly likely to catch even a mini whale in one’s mother’s pail.
Pretty simple, Simon.
And lastly, this…

Simple Simon went to look
If plums grew on a thistle,
He pricked his fingers very much,
Which made poor Simon whistle.

A couple of thoughts here.
Thistles were plentiful where I grew up.
And—I just want to say this here—not one ever bore anything even remotely resembling a plum.
Stupid, useless thistles.
And I have been the recipient of a thistle’s tender embrace.
It is anything but tender.
And you’ve probably figured out that, having experienced the ‘prickly’ tendencies of your typical thistle, the last thing I feel like doing is whistling.
Just sayin’…

Up for more?
Go, now and read what my sister writers have been up to this month!
Enjoyment guaranteed!

Real Estates: All Murders Included in the Price!

Real Estates: All Murders Included in the Price!
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Blessed by a Curse

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God's Tree

God's Tree
For the Children

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Third in the series
Deborah. Fugitive of Faith

The Long-Awaited Sequel to Daughter of Ishmael

The Long-Awaited Sequel to Daughter of Ishmael
A House Divided is now available at all fine bookstores and on and .ca!

Daughter of Ishmael

Daughter of Ishmael
Now available at and .ca and and other fine bookstores.

Romance still wins!

Romance still wins!
First romance in a decade!

Hosts: Your Room's Ready

Hosts: Your Room's Ready
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Hugs, Delivered.

Compass Book Ratings

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Ghost of the Overlook

Ghost of the Overlook
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My Granddaughter is Carrying on the Legacy!

My Granddaughter is Carrying on the Legacy!
New Tween Novel!

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A heart warming story of love and sacrifice.


My novel, Carving Angels

My novel, Carving Angels
Read it! You know you want to!

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My Second Novel: Kris Kringle's Magic
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I've been given an award!!!

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Irresistibly Sweet Award

Irresistibly Sweet Award
Delores, my good friend from The Feathered Nest, has nominated me!

Sunshine Award!!!

Sunshine Award!!!
My good friend Red from Oz has nominated me!!!

My very own Humorous Blogger Award From Delores at The Feathered Nest!

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Ghost of the Overlook

Ghost of the Overlook
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