Saggot jumped back, colliding heavily with the front door
and knocking a gusty ‘whoof’ out of himself.
The inspector merely stared at the hockey stick, wide-eyed,
the colour draining from his face.
“Inspector? Are you all right?” I touched the man’s
shoulder, but he didn’t appear to notice.
Slowly, he dropped to his knees and reached a shaking hand
out toward the stick.
“Inspector! Don’t touch it!” Saggot shouted. “You don’t know
where it’s been!”
The inspector looked up as his fellow officer, his face now
suffused with brilliant colour.
Angry colour if I know my shades.
And I do.
The bushy brows had lowered threateningly as well. My late
husband used to assume the same expression. I called it ‘dropping his visor’. I
choked back a laugh.
“Saggot!” the inspector barked. “You’re off this case!”
The rotund policeman blinked. “But . . .”
“You heard me! Go wait in the car!”
“But . . . sir . . .!”
“Go. Now. Or. I’ll. Have. Your. Badge. And. Gun.”
I was suddenly glad this trim officer wasn’t looking at me.
I was almost ready to hand him my badge and gun.
If I’d had either.
Saggot turned and fumbled with the door handle.
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, can’t you even open a door? What are
our boys in blue coming to?” Norma again.
Saggot froze, his mouth dropping open. His hand dropped from
the knob and he stared as it turned smoothly without him. A moment later, the
door swung wide, bumping into the stunned man.
“There you go!” Norma wasn’t wasting any time.
Saggot’s mouth snapped shut and, without a backward glance,
he bolted outside.
The door closed smartly behind him, rattling the glass.
The inspector had risen to his feet, his arms clasped around
the hockey stick. He looked toward the door, then shook his head and turned to
me. “Could you ask your sister who . . .” he swallowed hard. “. . . who gave
her this stick?”
“Norma . . .”
“I heard him!” Norma snapped.
“Well you don’t have to get snippy with me. I’m just the
A sigh. “Fine. I’m sorry!”
“You don’t sound sorry.”
“Well I am! What do you want? You want it in writing?”
“Yes, I do.” I folded my arms across my chest.
A paper appeared out of nowhere, and drifted to the floor.
I scooped it up and turned it over. ‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m
sorry!!!!!!!!’ was written across it in Norma’s distinct scrawl, and, at the
bottom, ‘You haven’t changed Reggie’s paper today.’
“Drat, Reggie!” I shouted. “He’s your stupid bird! You look
after him!”
“I can’t! He’s afraid of me!”
“Well then, he’s finally gotten some sense!”
A distinct sniff. “That wasn’t very nice.”
“Norma! This isn’t
very nice! Talking to you in the air. Having policemen barging into my home, speculating
on my possible proclivity for murder and mayhem.”
“Ooh! Proclivity. Good word, Sis.”
“Thank you.”
“Oh, you may need this.”
A roll of toilet paper appeared much the same as the hockey
stick and sorry note. It bounced a couple of times and came to rest against the
inspector’s shoe.
“Why’d you take that with you?”
“Well, one doesn’t know, does one? I mean, isn’t it best to
always be prepared?”
I picked up the roll. “I guess.”
“May I speak?”
I looked at the inspector and shrugged. “I guess so.”
“Norma?” He looked up into the air.
“I’m over here, sitting in the chair.”
Both of us leaned over and peered through the doorway into
the living room. Reggie, his colorful feathers slicked down tight stared back
at us.
“I got tired of standing around. I needed to sit down.”
“Oh.” Still clutching the hockey stick in both arms, the
Inspector maneuvered through the entry and moved hesitantly inside.
“Have a seat.”
“Okay.” He shuffled toward one of the chairs.
“Not this one. I’m in it!”
“Norma, how is he supposed to know! You’re being woefully
unwelcoming. You’re usually a bit more hospitable than this.”
There was a pause. Then, “You’re right. I’m sorry. Please
take the blue chair, Inspector. It’s a bit more spacious and comfortable. Then
we can have a nice, cozy chat.”
He perched gingerly on the indicated seat.
“So you want to know where the hockey stick came from?”
The inspector looked down at the stick clutched tightly in
his arms, then over at the chair opposite. “I think I do.”
“A rather nice young man gave it to me.”
The man caught his breath and his eyes filled with tears. “A
young man, you say?”
“Yes.” There was a pause and Norma’s voice dropped to a
whisper. “Yes, I’ll tell him.” Speaking normally once more, she went on. “He’s
here now, Inspector. Would you like to talk to him?”
The man looked like he’d just seen the coming of the Lord. Tears
spilled down his cheeks. “C-can I?”
“Well, I think so. I’m not really sure how these things
“Inspector?” The voice was husky, soft. A young man’s voice.
“Yes. It’s me. Inspector Wilson. Who . . . who are you?”
“You know me as Benny, Inspector.”
The man sucked in in a quick, sobbing breath. “Benny?”
“You’ve been looking for me for a long time.”
“You were my first, Benny. The case I just couldn’t solve.
You’ve . . . pardon the expression . . . haunted me for over forty years!””
The young man laughed. “Well, I appreciate that you kept on
trying. I know it was hard for my parents, not knowing.”
“You just . . . disappeared.”
A sigh. “Well, I can finally tell you. I was playing hockey
on the ice on the lake and fell through. I know it was stupid to be there by
myself, but I wanted to practice something new on my own. The recruiters were
coming and I just had to impress them!”
“So you weren’t kidnapped. Or murdered. Or a runaway.”
“Nope. Just stupid. I’m so sorry.”
“I never figured it out. You were supposed to be at training.
It never even occurred to me you were
training. Just by yourself.”
“Can you tell them, Inspector? So they can finally stop . .
. wondering.”
“I . . . yes, I can.”
“Thanks, Inspector.”
“Thank you, Benny.” The inspector mopped at his face with
his sleeve.
I pulled a long piece from the toilet paper roll and handed
it to him.
He nodded his thanks. “Benny?”
“He’s gone, Inspector,” Norma said.
He shook his head and set the hockey stick on his lap so he
could blow his nose. “After all this time.”
I touched his shoulder. “What will you do?”
He smiled wryly. “Go and tell his parents.” He looked up at
me. “If they’ll believe me.”
“Well I believe you,” I said.
“And I do as well!” Norma added.
“Well of course you’d believe, you silly old girl. You’re
there with him!”
“Oh sure. Cloud the issue with facts!”
“I think I’ll be going,” the inspector said, getting to his
feet. “Erm . . . can I take the stick?”
I shrugged. “Norma?”
“Well I don’t want it. What would I do with it?”
“Well I don’t want it. What would I do with it?”
I sighed. “Yes, take it.” I followed him through the foyer. “Good
The door opened on its own as he approached it. He shook his
head, then paused just inside. “I’ve been working on this case my whole life. It’s
hard to take in.”
“Well take it in and close the door! Reggie will get a
I rolled my eyes. “I apologize for my sister, Inspector.”
“No need.” He looked at me. “I’ll be in touch.”
He pulled the door shut behind him.
I turned just as another paper appeared, fluttering to the floor. I picked it up.
'Bird cage', it said.
I sighed and headed for the living room.
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My words for October: colorful ~ spacious ~ brilliant ~ woefully
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Now go and see what the others have done with the challenge!