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There it is! |
Saturday, October 17, 2020
I (Don't) Spy
Friday, October 16, 2020
Well, it is. And it is.
I wasn’t sure if I should share this story. After all, neighbourhood children (and one mayor) were terrorized in the unfolding of this tale.
At least one of them is considering opening a Special Victims’ Unit for Sally alone.
Moving on…
Sally, Mort and their new sidekick, Scary Gary (my title) had been whispering and giving each other significant looks for a week.
We were right to fear.
And I have the film footage to prove it…
We have a gazebo in our back yard.
Landing with the rather sickening crackle of breaking glass on the front windshield of the mayor’s car.
Each month, Karen's Klub joins together to exchange words. Well, actually, we supply the words and Karen shuffles and distributes.
And none of us knows who is going to get our words and what they will do with them.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
So Now We Know...
The children’s organization in our church begins when the children are three.
Watching those little ones come into the room for the first time to join the older kids is quite a treat.
They look so tiny.
In an effort to get to know each of the children, a survey is distributed at the beginning of the year.
These are the answers my three-year-old granddaughter (hereinafter called GD3) supplied.
Enough background . . .
I came down to__[earth]__ from my Father above.
My home has __[five]__ people and __[1]__ animals to love.
I like to __[go on doughnut dates]__ with my family.
If you see someone with __[hazel]__ eyes and __[curly brown]__ hair, it could be me.
I like learning about __[the alphabet]__ when I go to school.
When I grow up, I want to be __[four years old]__ (I think that would be cool)
In my spare time, I think __[watching movies with mom]__ is fun.
And I like to eat __[cucumbers and marshmallows]__ when the day is done.
I like the color __[pink, purple and green]__ when I am making art.
On Sunday __[Sunbeams]__ is the class I go to
Singing __[Popcorn Popping]__ is one of my favorite things to do
On __[October 11]__ you can say “Happy Birthday” to me
Thanks for getting to know me!
Each week, one child is selected and the answers are read out one by one.
Then the other children in the room try to guess who the ‘spotlight’ is.
When GD3’s was read, things went something like this:
Teacher: I came down to earth from my Father above.
GD3 (loudly): Hey! I came down to earth too!
Teacher: My home has five people and one animal to love.
GD3 (more loudly): Hey! That’s the same as me!
Teacher: I like to go on doughnut dates with my family.
GD3 (louder yet): Hey! Doughnut dates! That’s what we do!
Teacher: If you see someone with hazel eyes and curly brown hair, it could be me.
GD3: Wow! I have hazel eyes! Look!
I think you can see where this is heading . . .
For every answer read, GD3 was deafeningly ecstatic that someone else liked/did/had the same things she did.
By the time the survey was done, every other person in the room had their hand up.
The first time, ever, that had happened.
Primary. The most entertaining part of Sunday Church attendance.
P.S. I can see a future in theatre, but I do hope GD3 never tries to go into politics.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Ludd and Me
In days of Yore,
'Mongst rich or poor,
Were those who toiled, and did the chores.
Oft spending years,
Mid sweat and tears,
To learn their craft, with all their peers.
A 'weaving' flood
Was in their blood,
Professed to follow Young Ned Ludd.
Like Robin Hood,
He may have stood,
‘Tween dread machines and livelihood.
These weavers saw,
In this hoopla,
A loss of work. With sheer chutzpah
Attacked machines
And owners dreams,
And any mech’nized thing, it seems.
The years have passed,
Machines amassed,
We’ve mechanized, both thick and fast.
They’re mostly good,
Machines that would
Produce things faster than we could.
And these machines,
Provide the means
Of making things from jars to jeans.
But what’s been tossed,
And what the cost,
Have all our finer skills been lost?
That brings me to,
My point to you,
And what I have been trying to do.
Cause now, ‘lectrics,
With nasty clicks,
Have taken over, just for kicks.
I watch in awe,
My toddlers paw,
And make things work without a flaw.
It makes me mean,
Those glowing screens,
I picture buying some benzene.
And with a touch,
(Though not too much),
Remove my source of rage and such.
And with much glee,
I will be free,
A modern Luddite will I be!
Each month, some poetry, you'll see
There's some from Karen,
Some from me,
I hope that you enjoyed what we,
Have crafted just
For you to see!
Monday, October 12, 2020
Nine Years Old
The theme this week is ‘Someone You’ve met’.
And yes, I can remember the very first time I met her. A newborn in her mama’s arms.
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Eldest son, Nine Years Old |